June 5, 2010
Up early to check out our surroundings. I met an individual by the name of Craig McBride. He is originally from Santa Barbra, California and owns property here in Golfito. He informed us of a nature hike we could do in the rainforest. He said he’d haul us to the top of the mountain in his Land Cruiser and we could hike down on the main road. It was 3,000 feet of elevation and covered about 4 miles.
We found some the things which used to fascinate me as a boy watching National Geographic and other outdoor shows.
Leaf cutter ants carrying their price back to their nest. Coatimundis, Black Panthers, Tucans, and Poison Dart Frogs.
Upon our return we had a conversation with Craig about his experience, of cruising the west coast. As it turns out he came aboard for supper to share is experience. After a little more conversation, I invited him to make the journey to San Diego, half joking and he accepted. So now we have another captain to lend his experience and skill to our already seaworthy crew.